Battery Icon is a small widget-like app for Nokia N9 which shows the battery level in its icon and on the stand-by screen. The app itself shows remaining battery times and also has a quick switch for power saving mode.
Battery Icon is not compatible with other apps that use the stand-by screen.
Download it from to Nokia Store. (recommended)
Debian packages packages are also available.
- Version 2.1: battery-icon_2.1_armel.deb
- Version 2.0: battery-icon_2.0_armel.deb (previous version with old graphics)
Important note: If you are installing the packages manually, you must uninstall the version from the Nokia store first, and have the following two settings enabled:
- Developer mode: Settings->Security->Developer mode (rebooting will be required after this)
- Allow installation from non-Store sources: Settings->Applications->Installations
The source code is available under GPLv2 license from github.
Feedback and support at apps@cristiboian.com